QHR Enterprise Ideas Portal

INC000002645889 / #00630984 - Users would like documents to attach automatically to Messages from the Document section as they do when sending a Task

When you are working in the Home section on reviewing documents and you click the ‘Task’ button, the document that you currently have selected is automatically attached to the Task:


This currently is not the case when a user selects the New Message button:


Users would like the document to automatically attach to a message the way it attaches to a task.


[please see attachment for screenshots]

  • Guest
  • Apr 6 2017
  • Already Exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Alison Cooney commented
    October 03, 2018 21:40

    If you click the <Follow-Up Request> button, that creates a mail message with the item attached, as with <Tasks>.

  • +1