QHR Enterprise Ideas Portal

INC000002662943 / #00635967 - ability to configure providers for multiple sites

Require the ability to configure our users/providers that work at multiple sites so that the work that they do while logged into a particular office is linked to that office and not directly to the provider account.


The current functionality for providers in the EMR is such that when a user works at multiple sites, we are unable to differentiate between what data he/she entered into a patient’s chart while logged into which office. We are also unable to make notes, documents, forms, etc that a user has entered by site invisible as once the Provider has been attached to an office ALL of his/her notes, forms, documents, etc are viewable by the other users at that office.  This has many privacy implications for the WRHA users in the EMR and for the client’s entered in the system.


We require the ability to support providers who work at multiple sites more effectively. Notes, forms, documents, etc that are entered under this provider at one site, should not by default be shared across both sites that this provider works out of.  We require the ability to share the information across EMR in a more structured and manageable way.

[see attachment for further details]

  • Guest
  • Feb 7 2018
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files