When creating a new Task and free typing in the "Note" field, we are proposing that the "Note" area should become greyed after clicking "OK". This will ensure the original note cannot be changed, altered or added too.
This functionality already exists when a Task has been checked out.
Hi Alison
I am confused as to what type of response you are wanting from me. Both Kym and myself received the email, but do not understand what you want us to do.
Thank you,
Bev Heggie
Accuro Clinical Support Team-Process Analyst
Lead Accuro trainer
Location: Room 340 SMD Building
825 Sherbrook St.
Winnipeg, MB. R3A 1M5
Mail: C/O 820 Sherbrook St.
Winnipeg, MB.R3A 1R9
Cell: 204-793-4306
Fax: 204-940-2588
Days of Works: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri/0730-1530
Planned Absences:
HSC EMR Support email: hscemrsupport@exchange.hsc.mb.ca
Phone: 204-787-5654
Please contact HSC EMR support for Zoom Accuro Training information.